Thanks James, that post kickstarted a lot for me.

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I'm so glad it served such an inspirational function for you! Yay!

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Has there has ever been a time when the majority of the world’s inhabitants were ever in a state where they felt their lives were full of purpose and meaning and is feeling uncertain about such things necessarily a bad thing. Maybe such uncertainty is necessary if we are to fulfil our human potential; I think Kierkegaard said something about this.

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Plumbers and electricians are the most necessary workers in the modern world.

Modern plumbing is perhaps the most useful mostly covered up development of Western civilization. because what to do with shit/excrement has always been the perennial problem.

At another more important level not even our plumbing infrastructure would work without electricity which powers/drives the thousands of hidden pumps which keeps the water supply systems functioning, and of course the pumps that power the sewerage systems.

Imagine what would happen to our shit if the power supply failed - especially in high rise buildings particularly residential ones.

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Probably never for the majority but that’s no reason not to aim for it! A world where the less fulfilling but necessary jobs are shared would be kinder.

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What a delight--, to have an essay of mine inspire the name for this publication!

It was in my essay, Livelihood: a new and old idea, that the etymology of livelihood was discussed, for any who are interested.


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